Wichelstowe is a large multi-stage housing project in Wiltshire. It hosts new residential properties from Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes, as well as recreational spaces.
Conlon was involved in a competitive tender for this project. The foundation scheme specified by the client team consisted of traditional pile and ground beam and associated heave precautions. Conlon approached us for a value engineered alternative Housedeck solution.
The Site Investigation provided by the client team was limited in scope. In order to optimise our tender, we carried out our own Site Investigation (S.I.). In conjunction with the testing data detailed in the client’s S.I. report, we were able to justify omitting heave precautions across the site and utilise our non-voided Housedeck foundation. This had significant benefits for Conlon as it decreased the depth of reduced the level dig required, and the associated muck away.
In addition to the above, we utilised our midi rigs which weigh less than 20 tonnes, this significantly reduced the piling mat requirements on-site and allowed us to use our concrete working surface instead of traditional piling mats on parcel 2.
This site also had significant changes in ground level, requiring steps in some of the slabs and up to 1.9m downstands, which we were able to accommodate within the Housedeck system and meet the Finished Floor Levels required.
“By using Abbey Pynford’s Housedeck system we were able to reduce our costs and programme, which played an instrumental part in us securing this project.”
Malcolm Sykes, Senior Estimator, Conlon